McAvity Hydrants and accessories. Porter’s stocks hydrants that are approved in the local municipalities. We carry the Clow McAvity brand which first started in 1903, and still have products around Canada in service from the first years. Their long standing reputation makes McAvity fire hydrants and valves our first choice as well as many of the municipalities.
Contact Us
J. A. Porter Holdings
Lucknow Office
R.R.#1 (4 Washington Street)
Lucknow, Ontario N0G 2H0Phone: (519) 528-3537
Fax: (519) 528-2025
Email: porter@hurontel.on.caReady-Mix Department
Jeff Porter
Phone: (519) 528-3537Owen Sound Office
R.R.#4 (317767 Hwy 6 and 10)
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N6Phone: (519) 372-1636
Fax: (519) 372-1882
Email: porter@hurontel.on.caStratford Office
2944 Line 34, Ontario St.
Stratford, ON N5A 6S5Phone: (519) 271-5554
Fax: (519) 271-5555